Tag: Massive Jurassic

Vestige of Massive Jurassic ‘Ocean Monster’ Found in a Polish Cornfield

Vestige of Massive Jurassic ‘Ocean Monster’ Found in a Polish Cornfield

The mammoth had a chomp more dominant than that of T. rex. Scientistss in Poland as of late uncovered the jaws and teeth of a huge pliosaur, an antiquated marine reptile with a chomp more dominant than that of Tyrannosaurus rex. Pliosaurs, the greatest of the Jurassic time frame's sea predators, lived around 150 million years back. Scientists discovered fossils of this gigantic flesh eater in a cornfield in the Polish town of Krzyżanowice in the Holy Cross Mountains, alongside a few hundred bones of crocodile family members, old turtles and since a long time ago necked plesiosaurs — cousins of pliosaurs — as indicated by another investigation. Jurassic pliosaur fossils have been found in just a couple of European nations, and this is the first run through bones of the monstrou...