Luckyhash Official Website was Live on Sep 1st to Add Fuels to Filecoin Growth
Since Filecoin launched its main net in October last year, lots of miners turned into the Filecoin blaze. Just in April, Filecoin reached the all-time high after a price skyrocket, setting off another mining fever in the market. The supply went urgent. Therefore, many blockchain tech firms were there to play, including LuckyHash, who launched their official website on Sep 1st, 2021 at 5:08 a.m. CST and made available their Filecoin mining service. However, unlike what the majority do, LuckyHash combined globalization & localization to respond to the local Filecoin mining needs. Their one-stop solution on offer, as LuckyHash claimed, is to stabilize virtual assets and help users reach a higher investment return, and they firmly believe it would make the top-one choice as cryptocurrency ...